Frank advises clients in the areas of real estate, estate planning, trust and estate administration, business, taxation, and municipal law. Frank is a member of the Iowa Academy of Trust and Estate Counsel, The Iowa State Bar Association (real estate, probate, and tax sections), Iowa Municipal Attorneys Association, and the Story County Bar Association.
Frank is one of the six founding members of the New Point Law Firm, plc. Frank started his legal career as a judicial law clerk for the Iowa Court of Appeals, working with the Hon. Dick R. Schlegel from 1990 to 1991. In 1991, Frank moved to Ames and began the practice of law with a long-time Ames firm then known as Smith, Nutty, Sharp, Benson & Jahn, successors of the Hirschburg & Reyonolds law firm, where he was a partner. In May 2008, Frank joined the Pasley and Singer Law Firm, LLP, as a partner.
Frank has served as city attorney for several communities, including Gilbert (since 1991), Huxley (1994-2006), Luther (since 2017), McCallsburg (since 2020), Sheldahl (1991-2001), Slater (1994-2012), and Zearing (1996-2017). He has also served as outside counsel for several other communities for land acquisition projects, rural water district issues, nuisances, and other municipal governance matters.
Frank is currently serving as a member and former chair of the Title Standards Committee of the Iowa State Bar Association, of which he has been a member since 2008. He is the former chair of the Real Estate and Title Law Section Council and served as a member of the Council from 2008 to 2018. He has also served as the chairperson of the Real Property Committee and has been a member of the Committee since 2008. He served on the Real Property Committee's legislation subcommittee (2008-12) and received the "Excellence in Legislative Advocacy Award" from the board of governors of The Iowa State Bar Association for his work on numerous legislative issues during his tenure.
Frank served as The Iowa State Bar Association stakeholder representative on the Electronic Services System Coordinating Committee, the managing body of the state-wide Iowa Land Records internet land record system from 2008 to 2018. Frank is a member of the Iowa Municipal Attorneys Association, having served as president (2006-07), vice president (2005-06), secretary/treasurer (2004-05), and director (2003-04). Frank has served as president (2001-02), vice president (2000-01), and secretary/treasurer (1999-2000) of the Story County Bar Association.
In his “spare time,” Frank and his wife Vikki follow their sons around to swim meets, where Frank often is on deck working as a USA Swimming, NCAA, or high school certified official. He is also presently a member of the board of directors of the Ames Cyclone Acquatic Club and serves the nonprofit organization as secretary.
Frank was a Cub Scouts den leader from 2008 to 2017, guiding two dens through to the Arrow of Light, and enjoyed camping and hiking with his Scouts, including the penultimate trek at Philmont Scout Ranch. Frank also served as a Little League Baseball coach from 2008 to 2016.
Frank is a member of the Rotary Club of Ames, Iowa, for which he has also served as a member of the board of directors (2009-12) and organized a popular club fellowship activity. He is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow.
Frank served as a member of the board of directors of Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa, Inc. (2001-05) and Heartland Senior Services Foundation, Inc. (2000-03). He was also appointed a Human Relations Hearing Officer for the City of Ames (1992-98).
Frank is a graduate of Leadership Ames, a member of Class IX (1995-96). He also served as the coordinator of the “State and County Government” class session for Leadership Ames classes X (1996-97), XI (1997-98), and XII (1998-99), which included meetings with representatives of executive, legislative, and judicial offices of state and county government.
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