New Point Law Firm utilizes a practice management solution from Themis Solutions, Inc., called Clio. This allows us to share information with our clients securely.
You can learn more about this technology on the Clio website:
This includes links to a mobile app for either iOS or Android.
Clients can access Clio for Clients using either their web browser or the mobile app. Logging into Clio for Clients does not require a password. Instead, clients log in using their email address and an authentication link sent to their email. If your attorney has shared documents with you through this portal, you can access your secure client portal here:
(1) When your lawyer emails you an invite to the portal, click the Open secure portal button. If you’re on a mobile device, tap Download Clio for Clients to open your device’s App Store.
Note: If you are not seeing an invitation, check your "junk" or "spam" folder, or simply use this button:
(2) Once in the portal, enter the email address that you provided your lawyer.
(3) Check your email. You will receive a new email from Clio to confirm your email address.
(4) After confirming your email, you can log in to the portal and review any documents, messages, invoices, and calendar events that your lawyer has shared with you.
Please use the buttons to submit electronic payment. Use the "Pay Invoice" button to pay a bill you have received. Use the "Trust Deposit" button to send retainers and similar funds for deposit to the firm's trust account.
Please note that New Point Law Firm, plc, reserves the right to assess and collect a convenience fee for the use of credit or debit cards or other electronic payments.
PHONE 515.232.1761
FAX 515.232.8962
Monday through Friday
8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
(Central Time U.S.A.)
Other times available by special appointment.
The information provided here is a public service and solely for informational and reference purposes. No legal service or advice is hereby provided. No attorney-client relationship is hereby created. This website may contain information addressing certain tax issues; however, it is not intended to constitute a reliance opinion as described in IRS Circular 230; therefore, it cannot be relied upon to avoid any tax penalties. The information provided here is without warranty of any kind whatsoever. Use at your own risk. No endorsement, warranty, or claim is made with respect to the works of others whose work may be referenced. Please seek the advice of an attorney for all legal matters.